We are aware of the fact that inviting people from overseas to participate in our international gatherings has a negative environmental impact. It is important for us to act with full awareness and taking responsibility towards what we create.
Environmental Awareness
We believe in the importance of our international gatherings
to support the communities direct interaction. In this personal getting together we develop a bondage and valuable real exchange experience which strengthen the path of the conscious community.
We created a ritualised, annual, repetitive circuit of gatherings,
ceremonies and educational programs and became a reliable and meaningful member of each local community. Together we hold in every place a holistic few weeks long program. We return regularly, in some of the places for more then ten years.
Our projects have a high cultural integrative character. With scholarship programs for local community members with extreme low income, financial support through helper exchanges, they are open to everyone. Involvement of local organic and sustainable suppliers. Former students and supporters became locally and internationally working facilitators and organisers.

We want to give back to nature.
to support the communities direct interaction. In this personal getting together we develop a bondage and valuable real exchange experience which strengthen the path of the conscious community.
Forgotten Land and its partners want to work together with you to compensate the CO2 footprint we create through flights, into an environmentally positive result.
First of all, please buy a train or bus ticket if you are close enough to reach us like this.
Use car sharing options we supply in our facebook events. Fact is, that anything else than a plane is much more environmentally friendly. If you decide to buy a plane ticket then do it as a consciouss choice. Take your time, plan in advance and stay longer. Learn about the culture and people of the country. Don’t become a consuming tourist. Please engage and create something positive.
Here you find a link to atmosfair.de, please donate here or to any other environmental project to compensate the additional CO2 emission you cause.
We are together in this and we can make the difference!
We engage in permacultural projects and take action together.
Give some hours of your time into an activity which directly supports a local sustainable project. Depending on where we are, in Portugal, India or Germany different projects are needed. On a free basis we invite every participant to help meanwhile, before or after the gathering. Permaculture experienced people in our team prepare these co-working projects. We engage in local researching projects to develop environmentally friendly ways and invite members to share their knowlegde with us.
We reduce our garbage and create separating systems to recycle. We reduce our energy usage to a minimum and work as much as possible with environmentally friendly energy systems. We help to raise awareness to reduce water pollution and unnecessary water usage.