Rita Vilhena is a choreographer, dancer and performer. Performer and co-creator in independent projects and dance companies internationally; in theaters, museums and site specific. In 2005 creates the platform for performance and improvisation Baila Louca (Rotterdam/Netherlands). She has worked with Meg Stuart, Jeremy Wade, Matej Kejzar, Bruno Listopad, Julyen Hamilton, Keren Levi, Ugo Dehaes, Charlie Morrisey, TRASH, Meekers, Beeldend Danstheater Telder, Compagnie sQueezz Schuurmans&Mayele, Ligia Soares, Vânia Rovisco, Fernando Belfiore. She is a dance teacher at Escola Superior de Dança, has worked at Academy of Theatre and Dance (Amsterdam), Arnhem Dance Academy – ARTEZ, Dansateliers in Rotterdam, Station Zuid in Tilburg and several international festivals; she is part of the community of Contact Improvisation facilitators in Lisbon and Amsterdam. She has a master’s degree in Performing Arts from FCSH and worked as a scholarship holder in the Center for Studies in Music and Dance in INET-md FMH pole.